Kensington Place Demographics, circa 1900

We now have all of the census information for Kensington Place loaded into MyHouseMyStreet. This is the first street for which we have completed the uploading of data and, to celebrate, we thought we would do some demographic analysis to help put together what Kensington Place was like at the turn of the 20th century.

The chart below shows some basic statistics about the 51 addresses that occupy Kensington Place.

Graphic showing Kensington Place demographics

We can immediately see that there was an average of 5-6 persons per address. While this may not sounds like a lot, about 25% of addresses accounted for almost 40% of all residents on Kensington Place, with some houses having as many as 10-13 individuals living under one roof!

Another general observation is that most of the people on the street were born in Sussex. Although not depicted, 10% were born in Greater London and there was a small handful of residents that had emigrated from elsewhere: Ireland, Scotland, Germany, Italy, and the United States.

The range of occupations indicate that Kensington Place was very much a working class street. Absent were doctors, barristers, or senior public officials. Many of the street’s early residents were active in service trades: dressmaking, millinery, servants, and railway clerks.

We will post more demographic information as it becomes available from the other streets in the project (Foundry Street, Gloucester Road, Pelham Square) in order to help bring to life the North Laine and its streets.